====== Sandglass ====== Sandglass, sometimes referred to as "Sandvag," is a long-time [[http://www.journalfen.net|JournalFen]] regular and, within those confines — particularly in [[http://www.journalfen.net/community/unfunnybusiness|Unfunny Business]] and [[http://www.journalfen.net/community/unfunny_fandom|Unfunny Fandom]] — an amazingly grating SJW. //[[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/21470.html?thread=95324638#t95324638|She's so irritating,]] it's like she's surrounded at all times by a sort of low-grade tornado of eyelash-sized grit.// Her former incarnation was IWantToBeAsleep, in which she was quite a wanky asshole. Supposedly she [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/21470.html?thread=95324638#t95324638|friended people]] just to report them on Fandom_wank, even if it meant [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/35341.html?thread=163890701#t163890701|breaking friendslock]]. She was also said to have been quite fatphobic in the LJ community bad_rpers_suck, according to [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/26392.html?thread=116006680#t116006680|this commenter]] and [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/26392.html?thread=116269592#t116269592|this one.]] The latter commenter adds that IWTBA was also //cozying up to a friend of mine (who she'd never minded mocking on fandom_wank) in comments about size acceptance - and going back and forth from one to the other in the same short time period, playing one part in public and one in locked comments - so I do think she's capable of hypocrisy in general.// More of Sandvag's greatest hits: * She [[http://www.journalfen.net/community/unfunny_fandom/5000.html?thread=460680#t460680|scolded a person with mental illness]] for making a "meds" joke and refused to back down when that perosn said that this sort of humor is her coping mechanism. This has come up a few times on the meme; here is [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/26392.html?thread=116271128#t116271128|one discussion]]. * She [[http://www.journalfen.net/community/fandom_discuss/61911.html?thread=3650775#t3650775|whined in fandom_discuss]] about people who choose not to warn ([[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/16700.html?thread=71727676#t71727676|Gentlefailer discussion]]). //"If you don't have warnings, then if someone wants to protect themselves, their only recourse is not to read it."// [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/16700.html?thread=71734076#t71734076|Nonny:]] "Okay, and?" * She [[http://www.journalfen.net/community/unfunny_fandom/5000.html?thread=487048#t487048|applauded]] [[Amadi]] for [[http://www.journalfen.net/community/unfunny_fandom/5000.html?thread=470920#t470920|suggesting]] that children not be allowed to read any books that allude to oppression or seem to encourage improper behavior. {{tag>todo people people:wankers}}