====== Rime and Punishment ====== **Re: Drop a letter**\\ //(Anonymous)//\\ 2014-04-16 10:34 pm (UTC) [[https://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/85363.html?thread=408509043#t408509043|Rime and Punishment.]] //It is a former student,\\ and he walks into the station.\\ "By thy shabby hat and glittering eyes,\\ wherefore such agitation?// //"Have you forgotten something?\\ You're back again so soon--\\ Surely you've better company\\ than me this afternoon."// //He holds him with his skinny hand.\\ "I was the one--" quoth he.\\ "You're ill! Sit down! Some water!"\\ Into a chair dropped he.// //He waves away the offered cup,\\ and in a voice that cracks,\\ He says, "I killed the pawnbroker\\ and her sister with an axe."// //Ilya Petrovich listened then,\\ mouth open, eyes protrudent.\\ And thus spake on Raskolnikov,\\ that tortured former student:// {{tag>todo nonnywork nonnywork:poetry}}