====== Rice Cooker Wank ====== {{ :rice_cooker.jpg?200|pink Hello Kitty rice cooker}}**July 17, 2013:** In a thread titled “Necessary Kitchen/Household Items,” one nonny [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/61976.html?thread=290174744#t290174744|jeered]] at all the previous commenters who had named a rice cooker as one such thing. //“It's not difficult to cook (real! not instant!) rice in a pot on the stove. Take it from someone who eats a shit ton of rice.”// Another nonny [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/61976.html?thread=290182936#t290182936|took exception to this]]: //“Your condescension is adorable. A rice cooker is pretty much wash rice and press a button. Otherwise you have to time it and and watch your pot. Some of us have other shit to do.”// Yet another [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/61976.html?thread=290228248#t290228248|pointed out]], //“Um this is cultural. Some of us come from a background that has rice as a staple for most meals.”// While this was not a particularly contentious thread by meme standards, it is remembered fondly by many. {{tag>todo wank wank:food-wank wank:ffa-wank}}