====== Ministrations ====== **[[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/122352.html?thread=627971568#cmt627971568|Re: Words fic has ruined for you]]** Date: 2015-01-30 09:43 pm (UTC) //da// //Ahah, ministrations is terrible.// //X redoubled his ministrations, as Y undulated against him. His fingers snagged in the Y's puckered hole, before scissoring them inside, and Y mewled, lashes fluttering over his golden orbs, "now, I need your manhood now!"// //X smirked, delighting on how wrecked he could turn Y, before frowning from underneath his raven-haired eyebrows. "Wait, he need a condom."// //"Nooo" Y mewled. "I hate condom!"// {{tag>todo nonnywork nonnywork:fic}}