====== Livii ====== ====== Livii ====== Livii was involved in [[vividcon-bans-babies|Vividcon slingbaby wank]]. See [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/341.html?thread=13909#t13909|here]] and [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/341.html?thread=153685#t153685|here]]. Her reasoning: Her slingbaby is like an aide for disabled people, because nursing drains her milk ducts and helps prevent mastitis! Livii was not happy when Some_Stars (formerly LCSBanana) [[http://some-stars.dreamwidth.org/17395.html|did not defend her "right" to bring her slingbabby everywhere]], and she left various comments on the above-linked thread that Some_Stars ended up deleting. From [[http://some-stars.dreamwidth.org/17395.html?thread=54003#cmt54003|one of the replies]], it seems as though Livii, though more than happy to appropriate the language of people with disabilities, is also happy to sling around [[Ableism|ableist]] language. {{tag>todo people people:wankers}}