====== Lauredhel ====== ====== Lauredhel ====== A very old hand at SJW wankery. She was a contributor to [[FWD|FWD]]. She was also involved in [[vividcon-bans-babies|Vividcon wank]] ([[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/341.html?thread=667733#t667733|Gentlefailer discussion]]). [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/20619.html?thread=90743691#t90743691|One nonny]] described [[http://lauredhel.dreamwidth.org/646408.html?thread=3199752#cmt3199752|this now-locked thread]] of Lauredhel's as follows: //— "Something offensive happened on Glee."\\ — "Awesome, I don't watch it because I hate it. But if it will give me an excuse for outrage, I'm there with bells on."// {{tag>todo people people:wankers}}