====== Kink-Shaming Wank ====== //(Not to be confused with [[anti-kink-wank|Anti-Kink Wank]].)// In early February 2012, a nonny started [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/27894.html?thread=123396598#t123396598|the following thread]]: //I suspect it's thoughtlessness, rather than deliberate, but it's really a shame that the meme, which is generally so accepting of non-mainstream kinks, should be so judgy about those of us who like what a more eloquent anon that me described as "nonviolent, no-repercussions, unrealistic dubcon"// Discussion was fairly reasonable until another nonny [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/27894.html?thread=123421174#t123421174|changed the thread title]] to //"here goes the whining again..."// and wrote: //Meme was never meant to be a safe haven, where nobody's feelings get hurt. People here argue about things **all the time.**//\\ \\ //I seriously don't get that whole "omg, meme is being mean, I thought better of you!" thing that keeps popping up recently.// Things got wanky from thereon in. [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/27894.html?thread=123425782#t123425782|Someone replied]] to the title-changing nonny: //I'm glad you said it, so I didn't have to. When I read the original post, my gut reaction was just two words--"Tough titty." That sort of over sensitive, oh poor me stuff makes me clench my jaw. The world is a very big place, with all kinds of different people in it. Some of them are going to find what you like disgusting, wrong, etc. Growing a thicker hide is probably a good idea for everyone.// Which elicited the following response: //"Funnily enough, this is exactly what my uncle says to me when I complain about homophobia."// (Note: This was not the same wank as [[bdsm-con-wank|BDSM Con Wank]].) {{tag>todo wank wank:ffa-wank wank:quasi-sj-wank}}