====== Kanata ====== Kanata on Dreamwidth/Kyuuketsukirui on LJ is a widely disliked SJW. He is not above [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/26728.html?thread=118157928#t118157928|reviewing fics he receives in gift exchanges]], and he notoriously [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/20841.html?thread=92808297#t92808297|posted negative reviews]] of fic written by his own team in the challenge community [[http://mcshep-match.livejournal.com/|mcshep_match]] before voting ended. He was [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/1972.html?thread=8929204#t8929204|also involved]] in [[hc-bingo-wank|H/C Bingo Wank]]: //"Kanata showed up to explain why all experiences other than hir own were invalid. "// {{tag>todo people people:wankers}}