====== John Henry, the Pile-Drivin' Man ====== [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/52370.html?thread=242997394#t242997394|This filk]] was inspired by [[kudos-wank|Kudos Wank:]] //John Henry was a little baby,//\\ //Sittin' on his pappy's knee.//\\ //He opened Pappy's laptop and picked up a mouse//\\ //And he surfed over to AO3, lord, lord,//\\ //He surfed over to AO3.//\\ \\ //The beta said to John Henry,//\\ //"That Ice, she just went to town,//\\ //Gentlefailers over at An Archive of Our Own//\\ //They layin' some kudos on down, down, down,//\\ //They layin' some kudos on down."//\\ \\ //John Henry said to his beta,//\\ //"A fan ain't nothin' but a fan.//\\ //And before I let Gentlefailers drive that pile,//\\ //I'll die with this ol' mouse in my hand, lord, lord,//\\ //I'll die with this ol' mouse in my hand."//\\ \\ //John Henry said to the filker,//\\ //"Filker, why don't you sing?//\\ //'Cause this'll be the biggest wank you ever seen//\\ //Since HP or The Lord of the Rings, lord, lord,//\\ //Since HP or The Lord of the Rings."//\\ \\ //The troll that started the piledrive,//\\ //Zie thought zie were mighty fine,//\\ //But John Henry left Ice a thousand kudos;//\\ //And the troll, zie only left nine, lord, lord,//\\ //And the troll, zie only left nine.//\\ \\ //John Henry died at the keyboard//\\ //They buried him in the Sourceland//\\ //And every wank train that comes passin' by//\\ //rumbles "Yonder lies a pile-drivin' man, lord, lord,//\\ //Yonder lies a pile-drivin' man."// It was [[http://fyeahffa.tumblr.com/post/45635974471/http-fail-fandomanon-livejournal-com-52370-html-t|featured on the Fuck Yeah FFA Tumblr]] {{tag>todo nonnywork nonnywork:filk}}