====== Jabbercocky ====== **[[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/69261.html?thread=327065229#t327065229|For you, meme.]]**\\ //(Anonymous)//\\ 2013-10-09 11:09 pm (UTC) "Beware the white-hued cock, my son!\\ The head that weeps, the germs you catch!\\ Beware the one-eyed snake, and shun\\ The Benedict Cumberbatch!" He took his virile sword in hand\\ Long time the penile foe he sought --\\ So rested he by the manflesh tree,\\ And wanked awhile in thought. And, as in self-abuse he stood,\\ The white-hued cock, with eye of flame,\\ Came fapping through the turgid wood,\\ And bubbled as it came! {{tag>todo nonnywork nonnywork:poetry}}