====== HC bingo wank ====== //[T]hat's a whole lot of words to spend on something you weren't ever planning on reading in the first place.// — [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/1013.html?thread=2866933#t2866933|July 25, 2010]] [[http://hc-bingo.livejournal.com/|HC_bingo]], a challenge for writers of [[hurtcomfort|hurt/comfort (h/c) fic]], was created during the '10 bingosplosion. Sasha_feather [[http://sasha-feather.dreamwidth.org/420637.html|promptly posted]] predicting the challenge was bound to produce lots of terrible offensive fic, unlike the wonderful Kink Bingo, which is never problematic because it provides lots of tl;dr info about the different kinks. Which somehow keeps the offensiveness at bay, idk. Fellow SJ warrior damned_colonial [[http://damned-colonial.dreamwidth.org/489877.html|also chimed in.]] When told that some people used H/C for therapeutic purposes, damned_colonial [[http://damned-colonial.dreamwidth.org/489877.html?thread=5194901#cmt5194901|actually said]], //"I kind if feel like if your personal healing is hurtful to other people, then perhaps you need to do it in private. (Maybe with a trusted group of friends, or something.)"// Even their fellow SJWs were at a loss to respond to that, and d_c walked it back downthread. Among the other SJWs involved in or responding to H/C Bingo Wank were [[Kanata|Kanata]] ([[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/1972.html?thread=8929204#t8929204|see here]]) and Annaham of [[FWD|FWD]] ([[http://annaham.dreamwidth.org/8318.html|see here]]). When the bingo mods reacted in a sensitive, wank-avoiding way, the discussion shifted toward the subject of The Evils of H/C, By People Who Would Never Read Any Of That Icky Crap, with a side dish of This Is The One Right Way Of Writing Disabilities/Trauma. Gentlefailer discussions: * [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/682.html?thread=2152106#t2152106|A thread about kink_bingo]] that also touches on the H/C debacle. * [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/1013.html?thread=2743029#t2743029|A thread on H/C fic]], mostly centered on the wank. * [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/1972.html?thread=8921524#t8921524|"The H/C Bingo Debacle"]] — a nonny asks for a summary. * [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/1013.html?thread=2750453#t2750453|"Links please?"]] Another nonny obliges with [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/1013.html?thread=2751989#t2751989|H/C wank linkspam]]. Someone else replies, //"It's like a huge list of people who think their opinions REALLY MATTER."// * In early 2012, [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/27151.html?thread=120027151#t120027151|a nonny writes,]] //"H/C bingo wank was when it really came home to me that SJWs don't give two hoots about minorities who don't subscribe to the party line."// Discussion follows. {{tag>todo wank wank:sj-wank}}