====== FWD ====== //"Ah, I miss FWD. It was, for a while, the dumbest place on the internet."// [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/17254.html?thread=74370662#t74370662|Nonny]], 2011-07-16 03:03 am (UTC) [[http://disabledfeminists.com|Feminists with Disabilities (FWD)]], which was active from October 2009 to New Year's Day 2011, was a group blog featuring such noted SJWs as [[Lauredhel]], [[s-e-smith|s.e. smith]], and [[Chally|Chally]]. It was perhaps best known for its [[http://disabledfeminists.com/category/ableist-word-profile/|"Ableist Word Profile" series]], which reclassified a range of common words and sayings as "ableist." Such terms included "special," "weak," "scab" (in the labor sense), "I feel your pain," and "What's your damage?" FWD [[http://disabledfeminists.com/2009/11/19/an-expansion-on-what-the-ableist-word-profile-is-and-is-not/|claimed]], as did [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/17430.html?thread=75567382|this nonny]], that the list was not about "telling people which words they can and cannot use." Of course, this is precisely how SJ warriors ended up using it. //[[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/17430.html?thread=75575830#t75575830|1) That note was a late edition,]] after they put up the posts on ~wit, weak, scab and intelligence, and even they started to realize they were looking ridiculous.// //2) These are the people that tried to propogate the term "ablesplaining".// //3) They're still out there, trawling their spoonless asses from blog to blog, trailing wank and stupidity in their wake.// Other FWD posts were often equally dubious. For example, [[http://disabledfeminists.com/2010/08/20/dear-imprudence-how-terrible-when-blind-people-are-seen-and-heard/|Anna wrote]] that it should be okay to talk loudly through a movie if your blind companion wants a running commentary, even if it bothers other people around you. [[http://disabledfeminists.com/2010/09/15/dear-imprudence-one-of-these-things-is-not-like-the-others/|s.e. smith claimed]] that it is "ableist" to hold cheating against one's significant other if one's SO has bipolar disorder. Among the fandom-related SJ wanks that FWDers were involved in was [[w/page/46428186/HC_bingo%20wank|H/C Bingo Wank]] (see [[http://annaham.dreamwidth.org/8318.html|this post]] by Annaham). [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/3285.html?thread=13776341|A Gentlefailer]] once wrote, //"I have an f-lister that claims to know for a fact that at least one of the FWD crowd is a sock playing the long term troll game. Dunno if it's true (and the f-lister doesn't have a great record), but I really hope it is. Really, really hope."// {{tag>todo people people:communities}}