====== Fruit Soup Wank ====== {{http://i.imgur.com/f2nHwWo.jpg?351x241|white ceramic bowl of fruit soup with mint leaves as garnish|}} On Aug. 16, 2015, a nonny [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/153946.html?thread=820849754#cmt820849754|started a thread]] just to discuss soup. It went fine for a few screens, until [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/153946.html?thread=820899674#cmt820899674|one nonny expressed sadness]] that //“it’s been too hot for soup,”// particularly tom yum gai and seafood pho. When cold fruit soup, which //“require[s] very little time on the stove,”// [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/153946.html?thread=820911962#cmt820911962|was suggested to them]], they [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/153946.html?thread=820940122#cmt820940122|retorted]], //Fruit soup is not what I need by any stretch of the imagination, lacking both hot spice and unami.// //It's a kind impulse but confusingly unresponsive to a post which mentioned Tom Yum Gai and seafood pho.// Lectured on their tone by a DA, Anti-Fruit Soup Nonny insisted, //In actual fact, that was as kind as I could be when faced with the words "fruit soup."// //There was much deletion involved in that comment, and even more in this one.// Yet another DA [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/153946.html?thread=821079386#cmt821079386|upped the ante]] by chiming in, //“Fruit soup! Barf forever.”// This kicked off a long argument over whether such sentiment is an example of [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/153946.html?thread=821081946#cmt821081946|immaturity, //“limited taste and unwillingness to try new things”//]] or whether it was accurate because fruit soup //[[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/153946.html?thread=821085274#cmt821085274|“is just runny fruit.”]]// The newer DA also opined that [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/153946.html?thread=821142362#cmt821142362|defended the second one]] by claiming that //“accusing me of immaturity for not being able to stomach a nursery food meant to disguise canned and dried fruit that's past its sell by point is pretty gormless.”// The ensuing portion of the discourse revolved around whether the AFSNs were rude or whether other nonnies should //[[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/153946.html?thread=821155674#cmt821155674|“relax”]]// and learn to cope with people expressing vehement disagreement with their tastes. A wild [[overly-aggressive-anon|OAA]] (or two) also appeared. One memer [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/153946.html?thread=821654106#cmt821654106|responded to AFSN 1]] with, //How about I call you an immature little chickenshit for being so over the top goddamn stupid, on top of displaying a truly astounding level of pig ignorance in your attempts to deliver something vaguely resembling an insult?// //Would that make you feel better, little one?// OTOH, when AFSN 1 [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/153946.html?thread=821130330#cmt821130330|explained]] that they have tried //“several sorts of fruit soup”// and found all of them lacking, they were [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/153946.html?thread=821134426#cmt821134426|asked by another nonny]], //“Are you// //[[winterfox-pre-outing|Winterfox]]?”// This theory was [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/153946.html?thread=821145178#cmt821145178|defended]] with the argument that both Winterfox and AFSN 1 are //“in love with long words, and rude as fuck.”// (It was not pointed out that AFSN 1 had not threatened anyone with acid or dog rape and that therefore this comparison might be a biiiiiiiit of a stretch.) Meanwhile, AFSN 2 [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/153946.html?thread=821172314#cmt821172314|tendered an apology]]: //“A lot of this is my fault. SORRY MEME! I promise never to drink gin and put ‘barf forever’ in a comment again. Maybe.”// In [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/153946.html?thread=821159258#cmt821159258|another comment]] they piped up: //“HEY I am the immature child who said 'barf forever' - you've already told me off. [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Soup_Nazi|NO SOUP FOR YOU.]]”// The wank drew metacommentary as well, such as on [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/153946.html?thread=821655386#cmt821655386|whether it was real]] or //“an elaborate meme joke designed to play off of our legendary wanky tendencies when it comes to food.”// In response to [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/153946.html?thread=821144666#cmt821144666|the question]] //“Why is it always food that causes some of the worst wanks?”//, an OEA [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/153946.html?thread=821171546#cmt821171546|provided a very earnest answer]]. Also, [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/153946.html?thread=821179994#cmt821179994|there was this observation]]: //If there's one thing I've learned from my years here, it's that the most low-stakes and stupidly random discussion topics produce the most amazing wanks. (Though admittedly part of it is probably just the "wow, I did not see that coming" factor.)// In honor of this wank, a nonny [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/154362.html?thread=823365370#cmt823365370|wrote a filk]] titled [[dont-mess-with-my-fruit-soup|“Don't mess with my fruit soup”]] (a parody of [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHlhJL3IlsQ|“Don't Mess with My Toot Toot”]]). {{tag>todo wank wank:food-wank wank:ffa-wank}}