====== Firebolting ====== [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/74638.html?thread=198711694#cmt198711694|April 23, 2014:]] A nonny brought us [[http://thetruthaboutfirebolting.tumblr.com/post/83557428943/the-truth-about-tumblr-user-firebolting|the sordid story]] of a fan called Firebolting. Supposedly this person was //"a youngish, straight, white dude by the name of Chandler who worked in Hollywood,"// except that in reality she was //"an older, Asian-American woman who had gone so far as to use voice modifying technology to disguise who she really is."// This is mainly relevant to FFA due to the 111-comment wank it caused over how creepy or deceitful Firebolting's actions were or weren't. {{tag>todo people people:wankers}}