====== Fifty Shades of Grey ====== {{https://cbsradionews.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/50greys.jpg?202x309|50greys.jpg}} ====== Fifty Shades of Grey ====== A bestselling novel by E. L. James, about Anastasia, a naive, young English major, who gets involved with controlling, blandly attractive Christian Grey, wealthy CEO. It does not seem well-known (or known at all) to those outside the fannish community that the book is an epic //Twilight// fanfiction with the serial numbers filed off. For more on this fanfic, see: [[GentleBlaze]]. [[http://www.amazon.com/Fifty-Shades-Grey-L-James/dp/1612130283/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top|The novel's Amazon page]] [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/30100.html?thread=135203732#t135203732|An Anon Reads Fifty Shades of Grey]] {{tag>todo wank}}