====== Fandom Osmosis Fic ====== July 9, 2013: [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/61040.html?thread=286090608#t286090608|A nonny suggests]]: //Inspired by the last post, write a snippet of fic from a canon or characters you only know of from the meme or general fandom osmosis. Don't forget to put it behind a cut!//\\ \\ //Variation: Someone suggests a character or canon combo and nonnies write what they think they know.// Nonnies obliged with such fics for movie!//LOTR// Bilbo/BBC //Sherlock//, //Homestuck//, //Hannibal//, and Aubrey/Maturin: //[[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/61040.html?thread=286125680#t286125680|The dashing, older ship captain]] strides over the deck of his ship that is probably part of the English Navy in some year that has an 18 on the front of it, or maybe a 17. The steps of his big, black, kink-friendly sailor boots echo in the sea breeze. Because they're sailing, you see, on the ocean. Probably going to a war or something.// //"Maturin!" calls the man, looking only ever so slightly like Russell Crowe, "Or perhaps Aubrey, as I am unsure which one of us is which! Come and pay attention to me because I'm a dashing Captain in a kink-friendly uniform and my voice probably booms commandingly over the crash of the waves!"// //"Captain Aubrey-or-Maturin," answers the other, smaller, bottomier man in cute spectacles, blinking in an adorably befuddled manner, "I'm sure I want to pay attention to you because you're very dashing in a somewhat portly manner that often ends up referred to as 'barrel-chested', but I cannot!"// //"What?!" Captain Not-the-biologist-one stands at attention, settling in for a proper pout. "We're better friends than most men have ever known and also sometimes I like to picture us fucking like insert-time-period-appropriate-euphamism-heres! Why would you not want the vast majority of our story to focus on that?"// //"Because SCIENCE!" The-biologist-one exclaims, maybe with a flailing hand thrown in there somewhere, "And also I think I'm married. Or a spy. Or... married to a spy. I don't know, there are a lot of books, oh, look over there, is that a new kind of butterfly!?"// {{tag>todo nonnywork nonnywork:fic}}