====== Elfwreck ====== ====== Elfwreck ====== //From what I've seen her MO is to jump head-first into a wank, come up with a pithy soundbite that doesn't actually work and maybe not necessarily have anything to do with the discussion, then backpedal furiously and passive-aggressively whine about how she's never sure if people hold grudges against her after "disagreeing" with her stances.// — [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/341.html?thread=117845#t117845|July 6, 2010]] //Most of us at DW hate her too.// — [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/341.html?thread=287317#t287317|July 7, 2010]] [[http://elfwreck.livejournal.com|Elfwreck]], known simply as [[http://elf.dreamwidth.org|Elf]] on Dreamwidth, is to fandom-related wank what Amy Winehouse was to celebrity trainwrecks. She was an early topic of Gentlefailer discussion, thanks to [[vividcon-bans-babies|Vividcon slingbaby wank]] (see [[http://naraht.dreamwidth.org/403950.html?thread=4242158&format=light#cmt4242158|here]] for one of her comments, [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/341.html?thread=618837#t618837|this thread]] for discussion). She is perhaps most notorious for having brought the SJ warrior community [[linkspam|Linkspam]] to a grinding halt with her fail over the [[http://www.fanhistory.com/wiki/LambdaFail|Lambda Literary Awards]]. Elfwreck [[http://elf.dreamwidth.org/272566.html|challenged the Lambda Literary Foundation's decision]] to restrict GLBT awards to GLBT people, instead of including heterosexual slash writers, of which she is one. The Linkspam fallout can be seen [[http://linkspam.dreamwidth.org/11216.html|here]] and [[http://linkspam.dreamwidth.org/10297.html|here]]; the community did not survive long after. In Oct. 2010, [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/3573.html?thread=15057141#t15057141|meme discussed]] the involvement of both Elfwreck and [[Kynn|Kynn]] in Linkspam's downfall. [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/163726.html?thread=879665294#cmt879665294|October 12, 2015]], a nonnie linked a post from Elfwreck's Dreamwidth, in which she said "//I will write 100 words for every $10 of donations, in any fandom I know. (Or fandoms I don't know, if you want fic that's probably wildly OOC and probably cracky.) Provide fandom, character/s, and a short prompt (i.e. "bubbles" or "knife play," not "a visit to the new Disney center on Mars, which has a faulty gravity mechanism in the ferris wheel") and I'll write you a drabble or better.//" Some minor wank about whether selling fic was ethical ensued. {{tag>todo people people:wankers}}