====== Don't mess with my fruit soup ====== [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/154362.html?thread=823365370#cmt823365370|**Don't mess with my fruit soup**]]\\ Date: 2015-08-18 11:31 pm (UTC)\\ (Anonymous) //Don't mess with my fruit soup\\ Don't mess with my fruit soup\\ Now you can diss my vichyssoise\\ But don't mess with my fruit soup// //Well, she was born in the blender\\ The chef liked her kind\\ He said, "You gonna be special\\ Ay, you gonna be fine"// //Ay, you can take a sniff\\ But if you so much as sip\\ You're gonna have yourself a case\\ I'm gonna break your face// //So don't mess with my fruit soup\\ Don't mess with my fruit soup\\ Now you can laugh at my gazpacho\\ But don't mess with my fruit soup// This filk (to the tune of [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHlhJL3IlsQ|"Don't Mess With My Toot Toot"]]) was written in response to [[fruit-soup-wank|Fruit Soup Wank]]. {{tag>todo nonnywork nonnywork:filk}}