====== Dharma Slut ====== Dharma_Slut first came up on the meme in [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/50044.html?thread=231110524#t231110524|mid-February 2013]], after she said [[http://coffeeandink.dreamwidth.org/1165686.html?thread=15715190#cmt15715190|in a comment at Coffee & Ink]]'s: //// //I've pretty much given up on slash. It reads mostly as very... um... unqueer.// //Nowadays. No big surprise there, of course-- as any tool become more well known, its use becomes more normative and consumer-friendly.// //Like multi-head screwdrivers being made with floral handles.// One nonny [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/50044.html?thread=231468668#t231468668|described her thus]]: //dharma-slut is pretty...special. Her whole shtick is kind of "queerer and more social-justicey than thou!" and sighing over what other people are doing wrong, interspersed with lots of TMI talk about her (kinkier than thou!) sex life.// //Except, for someone who's so into social justice, she names herself "dharma slut" and uses random "Eastern" Hindu and Buddhist words to name and talk about her sex toys. How bout that cultural appropriation? Ha!// //It's kind of a wonder no one has called her out on this, especially because she was on the peripheries of all the cultural appropriation debates. Maybe it's different when the wankers are your friends?// Dharma_Slut replicated her comment [[http://dharma-slut.dreamwidth.org/196222.html|as a post in her personal Dreamwidth]], and [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/52821.html?thread=246463829#t246463829|Gentlefailers discussed it]] in late March. A common opinion was that [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/52821.html?thread=246471509#t246471509|she just doesn't like slash anymore because it's become "too" popular]]. Other interesting comments: //[[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/52821.html?thread=246465365#t246465365|What special]]// [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/52821.html?thread=246465365#t246465365|queer //factor is missing?//]] //The part where rainbows come bursting out of their asses? Or the part where they angst for three pages about staying in the closet? If it's the second, good riddance. If it's the first... I could be convinced to read that.// //[[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/52821.html?thread=246466389#t246466389|I totally disagree.]] The older fic I'm familiar with was full of thinly-veiled heteronormativity and homophobia. The fic I read now encompasses ace characters, trans characters, poly relationships, BDSM, political issues, and so on. Characters who used to be "straight as an arrow - except for this one guy/gal love of my life" are now written as being bi or gay or queer.// //[[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/52821.html?thread=246467925#t246467925|I really hate the whole academic definition of "queer"]] where it means some sort of nebulous anarchist rejection of societal norms. I don't think it would bother me so much if it weren't also used in more common parlance as just an umbrella term for LGBT(append letters as necessary) people.// //[[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/52821.html?thread=246498645#t246498645|I don't write slash]] to air my thoughts on queer issues or because I feel like it's my moral duty. I do it because the more dicks, the better.// //This is not merely a reason, but the only reason.// Dicks. {{tag>todo people people:wankers}}