====== Chopped Onion Wank ====== {{ :chopping_onions.jpg?200|man in Hawaiian shirt, crying as he chops a red onion}}It started on Hallowe'en 2011, with [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/21709.html?thread=96428237#t96428237|a nonny venting annoyance]] at a PostSecret secret judging adults who don't cook. The discussion was initially calm, until [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/21709.html?thread=96458445#t96458445|one person said]],\\ \\ //Cooking is following directions like dancing Odette in Swan Lake is following directions - you have to know what the directions mean, and you have to have the skills to execute them. A lot of "Cooking Is Easy!" people don't realize this because they had a parent who cooked a lot so they saw "chopping an onion" on a regular basis and know what that looks like even if they've never done it.//\\ \\ That sparked [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/21709.html?thread=96474829#t96474829|the incredulous question]] "How the living fuck could anyone not know how to chop an onion?", and shit was ON.\\ \\ Possibly the lowest point in the wank was [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/21709.html?thread=96498381#t96498381|this]]: "Chopping vegetables is the kind of kitchen work I sometimes ask the people with a mild intellectual disability I work with to help me with..."\\ \\ This wank has been commemorated with [[http://l-userpic.livejournal.com/114538828/28788493|a mod icon]]. It comes up frequently as an inside joke, such as in [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/41415.html?thread=189327303#t189327303|this "Ask Me Anything" thread]]. (Fairly recent, as of this writing, example: [[http://kanakamii.tumblr.com/post/82321324678|this gifset]], mentioned [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/74968.html?thread=413495768#cmt413495768|here]].)\\ \\ Chopped Onion Wank flared up again briefly [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/90406.html?thread=436044326#cmt436044326|in early June 2014]] when nonnies wanked about whether it was practical or not to chop onions using a blender.| {{tag>todo wank wank:food-wank wank:ffa-wank}}