====== Cheque Wank ====== Cheque Wank, which happened in early May 2014, was some of the most spectacular (and spectacularly stupid) [[countrywank]] meme has ever seen. It began when, In the [[common-threads|common thread]] "Ask Meme," one nonny [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/87002.html?thread=417884122#cmt417884122|wrote]], //My country cannot be the only one in the world that literally doesn't use cheques of any kind anymore, right? Regular cheques have been dead for 15-20 years, and in the past decade even traveller's cheques have become obsolete. Dead & obsolete as in banks don't issue or cash them. How is it it your countries, nonnies? **US nonnies need not reply.**// [emphasis added] [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/87002.html?thread=417966810#cmt417966810|A U.S. nonny]] quoted that bolded part and pissily replied //"Nice,"// and the party got started. Things were not helped when [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/87002.html?thread=418090458#cmt418090458|another (?) U.S. nonny]] chimed in with their thoughts on online checking, prefaced by //"US nonny who doesn't give a shit if you want to hear this or not.//" [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/87002.html?thread=418144730#cmt418144730|One reply:]] //"And then you guys wonder why the rest of the world doesn't like you."// As if all the preceding wank weren't already clogging up flatmeme enough, [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/87002.html?thread=418191834#cmt418191834|someone took it to the next page]]: //**Question to american nonnies**// //Do you really feel excluded and hurt because one nonnie specified not wanting to hear from americans on one topic? Is this really a problem for you? I DONĀ“T GET IT.// That thread was frozen. [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/87002.html?thread=418373082#cmt418373082|Downpage]], the first response to a thread titled "Fandoms/people/powers that be who need to calm the fuck down?" was, //This is so gonna get frozen but my immediate first thought was "American", lol.// ///is American// {{tag>todo wank wank:ffa-wank wank:quasi-sj-wank}}