====== Bad Faith Wank ====== {{ http://i.imgur.com/LuWZKY8.jpg|Faith from BTVS with red devil horns and a red pitchfork photoshopped onto her}}On March 18, 2015, [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/128611.html?thread=666935395#cmt666935395|a nonny complained]], //**What is it with people in fandom assuming bad faith all the time?**// //Like the title says. It seemed to start with RaceFail and has just been getting worse and worse as the Tumblr way of SJ has taken over. I find it really exhausting and it's making me visit fannish spaces less and less. Meme isn't free of it either, we eat our own here too.// //Does anyone else get tired of it? I worry one day I'll just snap and will abandon all my fannish spaces forever. I'm sort of getting there as it is.// Though there was some discussion about this phenomenon occurring on widely disparate fora, such as MumsNet, the thread quickly degenerated into wank about [[Racefail]] and was frozen at 55 comments. Later the same day, the OP of that thread [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/128611.html?thread=667058531#cmt667058531|started a new one]] plaintively asking why the first one got frozen. This one lasted 45 comments. [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/128611.html?thread=667091811#cmt667091811|Mod Sunnynarfnarf:]] //“For the record: There was more than one nonnie who crossed the line in the previous thread. There is more than one nonnie who has crossed the line in **this** thread. That was the reason the whole thread for frozen and not just a specific subthread.”// This whole thing is notable only because, for a short while, it looked as though the concept of “bad faith” would become abused on meme for purposes of starting wank. In [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/128611.html?thread=667077987#cmt667077987|a thread about Amanda Palmer's pregnancy]] (also Mar. 18), a nonny complained about all the disdain being flung at the musician: //“Even if I can't typically stand Palmer, this thread certainly proves that whole ‘fandom can't take anything in good faith anymore’ deal...”// This nonny was mocked for not knowing what words meant. However, after [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/128611.html?thread=667223907#cmt66722|a few]] [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/128871.html?thread=667910247#cmt66791|more]] [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/128871.html?thread=668390503#cmt668390503|invocations]], plus a [[http://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.org/128611.html?thread=667493731#cmt66749|reference]] in an [[common-threads|EFW thread]], the “bad faith” meme thankfully went away. {{tag>todo wank wank:ffa-wank}}