====== Asexual Tony Stark Wank ====== {{http://i.imgur.com/BNTao2p.jpg|drawing of horny Tony Stark with a NO sign over him}} **July 31, 2012:** A nonny who had //“randomly popped in on avengerkink”// that day [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/37641.html?thread=170632713#t170632713|was taken aback]] by [[http://avengerkink.livejournal.com/8247.html?thread=17221175#t17221175|this prompt]]. //OP wants an asexual!Tony (oh lol) 'outed' to the media and the team. Stupid issuefic stuff, etc, reeking of 'asexuals are misunderstood snowflakes, dontcha know'.// //JFC, since when did this start happening? Have the Sherlock hipsters started pouring in recently or something? Is this now a thing in every MSF?// The FFA OP got baffled agreement until [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/37641.html?thread=170635273#t170635273|this comment]]: //Oh, man. How dare those hipsters get their sticky ace hands all over everything? How dare they prompt things// they //want to read? It's infuriating.// //It's enough to make a person just not read kink memes anymore. The chances of reading a prompt I// don't like //are just too high.// They were [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/37641.html?thread=170647049#t170647049|reminded]] how OOC asexuality is for Tony Stark, and the comeback was that [[http://fail-fandomanon.livejournal.com/37641.html?thread=170669833#t170669833|the same argument has been made against slash as well]]. The highlight of the wank was [[asexualtony-asexualloki-fic|an asexual!Tony/asexual!Loki fic]] written by a nonny who knew the canon only through fandom osmosis. {{tag>todo wank wank:ffa-wank wank:quasi-sj-wank}}